Version 1.0 06/11/95 - This script was created. Version 1.1 08/03/95 - A major hole in the script which allowed users to run commands under your server's uid was disabled, thanks to Paul Phillips, who noticed the error. - The ability to redirect the user to a specified HTML file after they filled out a form was added. Version 1.2 09/23/95 - If the form field is one of the required or optional 'special' fields, such as redirect, recipient, subject, email, realname, etc... the script will not print these fields to either your mail message or to the user's screen when they are returned to a generic form response. It helps you so that things do not get duplicated. Version 1.3 01/21/96 - Much needed update finally completed - Added form fields: env_report, bgcolor, background, link_color, vlink_color, title, text_color, return_link_title, return_link_url and required. - Security hole, which allowed any user on any system to bum off of your FormMail script, has been plugged up with the @referers variable. - Report style in return html and e-mail touched up a bit. Version 1.4 01/23/96 - Added options: sort, alink_color - Fixed a few bugs from Version 1.3, namely the fact that the link_colors weren't working well. - FormMail now supports both the GET and POST methods. Version 1.5 02/05/96 - Sorting of Fields in E-Mail Response Fixed. - print_config option added. Version 1.6 05/02/97 - Sorting of fields by default was fixed to now sort in the order the fields are passed to FormMail from the web browser, which is usually the same order as they appear in the HTML form. - The sort order: directive, env_report and print_config parsing routines were made to better compensate for line breaks and extra spaces in input for ease of use. - Redirect error causing the redirect option to incorrectly work with https (secure servers) was fixed. - Input of a '0' in a regular form field now recognized as input and sent back to user. - Output of non-filled in form fields suppressed. - E-mail addresses checked for correct syntax if designated a required field. - Fields only printed if they contain a value or if the print_blank_fields option is set to 1. - missing_fields_redirect added so you can route users who don't completely fill out the form to a pre-made HTML page. - Parts of code optimized, especially in respect to the way config variables are handled. Version 1.7 07/27/01 - Added in @recipients to defeat spamming attempts - Added in @valid_ENV to allow administrators to specify what environment variables can be sent. Version 1.8 08/02/01 - Fixed the recipients code to allow multiple recipients using the 'recipients' form field and commas. Under certain cases in v1.7, spam could still get through by appending a legit recipient to the list of intended spam victims. - Moved send_email subroutine in front of return_html as many people reported their web server would kill the FormMail process after the redirect command was issued and no e-mail would be sent. Version 1.9 08/03/01 - Added in a further anti-spam check which would take advantage of newline characters in the subject to send invalid e-mail. - Removed a restriction when checking e-mail addresses for validity that required a 2 - 3 character domain extension. With the new TLD's becoming available, it can no longer apply.